Rethink Plastic alliance “incredibly disappointed” with European Parliament vote on EU Taxonomy
The Rethink Plastic alliance is incredibly disappointed with today’s vote results on the EU Taxonomy in the European Parliament. Labeling investments in gas as green and sustainable seriously threatens a realistic achievement of the EU’s climate goals, encourages dependency on fossil fuels and incentivises the continued build out of the petrochemical industry.

The Rethink Plastic alliance is incredibly disappointed with today’s vote results on the EU Taxonomy in the European Parliament. Labeling investments in gas as green and sustainable seriously threatens a realistic achievement of the EU’s climate goals, encourages dependency on fossil fuels and incentivises the continued build out of the petrochemical industry. Without significant and meaningful efforts to curb the use of fossil fuels, we face a future where investments in plastic production, and therefore plastic pollution, will increase.
Here are just some of the statements from our Rethink Plastic alliance members, part of the Break Free From Plastic movement, so far:
Client Earth – “Branding fossil gas as transitional and green in the Taxonomy is unlawful as it clashes with the EU’s key climate legislation, including the European Climate Law and the Taxonomy regulation itself. ClientEarth, alongside other organisations, will now be looking at options to challenge the inclusion of fossil gas in the Taxonomy in court – greenwashing cannot win.”
Read ClientEarth’s full statement here.
European Environmental Bureau – “Billions now risk being diverted into polluting energy sources, at the expense of energy efficiency and renewables. This decision is a serious blow to the transparency & governance of the whole process, putting at risk the further development of the EU green finance framework.”
Read EEB’s full statement here.
Environmental Coalition on Standards – ” The European Parliament has just rubber-stamped the European Commission’s plans to label fossil gas & nuclear power as ‘green investments’. This is state-sponsored greenwashing, from those who aspire to be climate leaders.”
Read ECOS’ full statement here.
Bellona Europa – “Every euro spent on unabated fossil gas under the guise of sustainability could have been spent on renewables. The European Commission should be taken to court and we will support every effort to do so.”
Read Bellona’s full statement here.
Greenpeace – “The EU Commission’s shameful backroom dealing on behalf of the fossil fuel and nuclear industries won’t help them. We’re inspired by the climate activists here in Strasbourg this week and are confident that the courts will strike down this politically motivated greenwashing as clearly in breach of EU law.”
Read Greenpeace’s full statement here.