
Welcome to our news section, where you can find the full range of infographics, reports, position papers and videos on plastic pollution by the Rethink Plastic alliance and its member organisations. Browse our latest news!

11 May 2021

Will the EU Methane Regulation ignore the climate polluter role of the petrochemical industry?

Fossil gas has long been touted as being the cleanest of fossil fuels as well...

cargo containers on ship
12 April 2021

The inherent problem with the global plastic waste trade

Plastic waste shipments have become an inconvenient truth that no one can ignore in a...

30 March 2021

It’s time for EU decision-makers to severely restrict the intentional use of microplastics

Between 75,000 and 300,000 tonnes of microplastics are released into the environment each year in...

3 March 2021

Italian Company Caught Illegally Dumping Plastic and other Municipal Waste in Tunisia

Demand for the EU and Italy to Ensure Wastes are Returned Immediately

25 February 2021

Major loopholes found in new EU plan to ban microplastic

Pollution reduction target impossible to meet without improvements, NGOs warn

24 February 2021

The Movement Towards a Global Treaty on Plastic

Where our plastics end up and who they affect is a problem that can not...

27 January 2021

The European Parliament wants faster and further action on plastic pollution, so do we!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Brussels, 27th January 2021

15 December 2020

Precautionary approach needed on biodegradable plastics, says Rethink Plastic alliance

The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism has published today a new report on biodegradability of...

7 December 2020

The EU must take action on plastic pellet pollution

Around 230 000 tonnes of plastic pellets end up in the ocean every year at...

Rethink Plastic