Welcome to our news section, where you can find the full range of infographics, reports, position papers and videos on plastic pollution by the Rethink Plastic alliance and its member organisations. Browse our latest news!
Tyres are the main contributor of unintentional microplastics release into the environment, and must be...
UNEA-4 agreement does not deliver at scale and urgency needed, Break Free From Plastic warns
Plastics poses toxic risks to human health, but the EU can limit the exposure
The Balearic islands lead the way to break free from plastic
An invisible problem six times bigger than Great Pacific Garbage Patch
However, reduction targets missing and collection targets delayed, campaigners warn
After the European Parliament’s position on EU single-use plastic laws made headlines around the world...
Producer responsibility requirements must be stronger, campaigners warn
Menstrual products must be accessible, transparent and safe for women and the environment - but...