White paper for an ocean free from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles and their caps are among the top ten litter items most frequently found along
coastlines, in the marine environment and in rivers. Surfrider Foundation Europe has launched the campaign Reset Your Habits to tackle this source of pollution.

Time for commitments is up

What if we didn’t have to clean the environment up in the first place?

On the occasion of the Our Ocean Conference 2017, Surfrider Foundation Europe and the Rethink Plastic alliance called for serious commitments and legal measures to stop plastic pollution at source.

Using plastic only when it makes sense

Zero Waste Europe’s policy paper looks at existing alternatives to fast-moving and short-lived plastic applications, and calls on the EU to introduce reduction targets for single-use plastics within the EU Strategy on Plastics in the Circular Economy.

A summer challenge for the European Commission

Rethink Plastic’s first open letter to the European Commission calls for concrete policy action on reducing, redesigning and better managing plastics, and challenges the Commissioners to rethink plastic this summer.