
Our resources

Welcome to our library, where you can find the full range of infographics, reports,  position papers and videos on plastic pollution by the Rethink Plastic alliance and its member organisations. Browse our latest publications!


September 26, 2017

Dam the plastic flood!

Over 650,000 citizens signed the petition promoted by Rethink Plastic and partners to call on the EU for an ambitious plastic strategy.

September 26, 2017

Using plastic only when it makes sense

Zero Waste Europe’s policy paper looks at existing alternatives to short-lived plastic applications, and calls for reduction targets for single-use plastics.

September 20, 2017

Fueling plastics

CIEL’s investigative series examines deep linkages between the fossil fuels and plastics industries, and the products they produce.

July 9, 2017

A summer challenge for the European Commission

Rethink Plastic’s first open letter to the European Commission calls for concrete policy action on reducing, redesigning and better managing plastics, and challenges the Commissioners to rethink plastic this summer.

June 20, 2017

Single-use plastics and the marine environment

Seas at Risk’s report sheds a light on single-use plastics and the marine environment, and includes leverage points for reducing
single-use plastics

April 15, 2014

Our plastic, our problem

Seas At Risk’s info-operetta on plastics in our oceans

Rethink Plastic