Two-Pager Summary of Rethink Plastic alliance position paper for effective measurements to restrict intentionally added microplastics
The panel session was held as part of the October 2020 Writing the New Story of Plastic Virtual Conference with #breakfreefromplastic. The panel features: MEP Martin Hojsík, Kingsmill Bond of […]
Civil society sends an open letter to the European Commission to secure an ambitious EU-wide restriction of intentionally added microplastics without further delay.
Letter asking the European Commission to establish a transparent and ambitious ‘chain of custody’ method for determining recycled content in plastic products.
10 recommendations for development of methods and standards for the ‘mass balance approach’, a new joint paper by Zero Waste Europe, ECOS and Rethink Plastic
Open letter to European Commission encouraging them to uphold ambition on the Single Use Plastics Directive guidelines
Key recommendations for the upcoming revision of the Waste Shipment Regulation on plastic waste trade.
Summary of the new report making the case for a regulatory supply-chain approach to pellet pollution.
This joint paper presents key findings from a review of some of the most commonly cited chemical recycling and recovery LCAs.