
Welcome to our news section, where you can find the full range of infographics, reports, position papers and videos on plastic pollution by the Rethink Plastic alliance and its member organisations. Browse our latest news!

cargo containers
17 January 2023

Rethink Plastic alliance applauds historical European Parliament vote passing a full ban on plastic EU waste exports and full implementation of the Basel Convention

Today, the European Parliament voted on the report tabled by MEP Weiss on the Regulation...

waste trade boat
16 January 2023

NO TIME TO WASTE: NGOs advocate for full ban on plastic waste exports from the EU as new report finds receiving countries’ recycling capacities overburdened

NGOs are calling for the European Parliament to vote for a full ban on extra-EU/...

8 December 2022

“We are now plastic farmers” – the human cost of waste colonialism

On World Human Rights Day, here are personal stories of individuals and communities, the disproportionate...

cargo containers on ship
1 December 2022

European Parliament’s ENVI Committee Breaks Free from the harmful Plastic Waste Trade in full extra-EU ban

In a landmark decision, the European Parliament Environment (ENVI) Committee voted today in favour of...

woman writing on a board reuse plastic
30 November 2022

Strong aim, but more ambitious and timely action needed – Rethink Plastic alliance welcomes EU circular economy package

The Rethink Plastic alliance welcomes the European Commission’s circular economy package, with proposed reuse targets...

30 November 2022

Video: EU decision makers visit pellet polluted petrochemicals site in Ecaussines, Belgium

For over a decade, the town of Ecaussines in Belgium has been facing the destructive impacts of...

microplastics on blue screen
17 October 2022

EU Commission to drop chemicals law reform as a gift to polluters

The European Commission is tomorrow set to capitulate bold plans against hazardous chemicals and betray...

12 July 2022

Packaging at the core

How does packaging relate to chemicals, food waste, waste trade and climate change? Zero Waste...

crane on worksite
6 July 2022

Rethink Plastic alliance “incredibly disappointed” with European Parliament vote on EU Taxonomy

The Rethink Plastic alliance is incredibly disappointed with today's vote results on the EU Taxonomy...

Rethink Plastic